About ECS

On 20 September 2020, researchers from academia and industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) established the Emirates Crystallographic Society (ECS). The ECS is the culmination of years of work and represents the only internationally recognized professional body to represent UAE researchers who use diffraction methods. For a country that is only 50 years old, the UAE has made significant investments in scientific research over a short period of time. The establishment of the ECS is another milestone for the growing research community in the UAE.

Emirates Crystallographic Society was founded in 2020, it has gained a string of admittances to a number of international crystallographic bodies. With each admittance to an international body, the ECS and its representatives are working hard to bring better visibility and resources to the growing community of researchers in the UAE. 

28 April 2021, the council of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA) voted to admit the ECS as a full national member 

13 August 2021, the ECS was admitted to the Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA)

15 August 2021, the ECS was admitted to the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) as a Category 1 adhering body, which was formalized at the 25th Congress of the IUCr in Prague


President Prof. Panče Naumov
Prof. Sharmarke Mohamed
Prof. Liang Li
Prof. Wael Rabeh