UAE Crystallographers Shine at IUCr Conference in Melbourne

A delegation of crystallographers from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) left a remarkable impression at the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) conference held in Melbourne, Australia, from August 22nd to 29th, 2023. The researchers delivered impactful presentations, including a keynote address by Prof. Pance Naumov, titled “Crystal Adaptronics: Intersectional and Collective Properties and Effects of Dynamic Molecular Crystals.”

Throughout the event, UAE crystallographers actively engaged in presentations, workshops, panel discussions, and presented research through posters. The contributions of UAE crystallographers underscored their commitment to scientific progress and collaboration, further establishing their influence in the global scientific community.

The International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) conference is held every three years, with the 26th congress scheduled for 2023. The upcoming conference is set to take place in Canada in 2026.